Travel is a non-NHS service. If you are planning a trip abroad and think you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel, please use the website Travel Health Pro to determine what vaccinations you are required/advised to have and Fit to Travel for up to date travel advice for your destination. This will include which countries and areas within countries you are visiting.
It is up to you to decide what vaccinations to have.
You then need to make a 20 minute appointment with the practice nurse at least 2 weeks before you travel, to allow the vaccines to work.
When booking the appointment please inform the reception staff when and where you will be travelling, as some vaccines are not a stock vaccine and have to be ordered in advance. Some travel vaccines have to be ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.
Free travel vaccinations included by the NHS are:
- Polio, Diphtheria and Tetanus booster (3 in 1 vaccine) – 10 years protection
- Hepatitis A – 25 years protection after 2 doses
- Typhoid fever – 3 years protection
- Cholera (only if considered high risk)
All other travel vaccinations are treated as private for travel purposes. Therefore, if your Travel Health Pro information recommend other vaccinations that we cannot provide, you will have to obtain them from a private travel clinic, but please be advised, you will need to book an appointment with a private travel clinic at least 6 weeks in advance of your intended trip, as you may need a course of vaccinations.
Click on the links to find the nearest private travel clinic:- Masta – all areas / Superdrug Leeds.
South Milford Surgery is not a registered Yellow Fever vaccination centre, therefore if your planned foreign travel requires you to have a Yellow Fever vaccination, you will need to find an alternative clinic.
Please click on the link to find your nearest Yellow Fever Centre – Find Yellow Fever Centre
If you are travelling to remote areas where access to medical care is limited, we strongly advise you to carry a medical kit appropriate to the nature of your trip.